Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blast injures and kills many in Marrakesh square - , travel guides

A bomb attack on a cafe in Marrakesh has killed 14 people dead including 11 foreigners. More than 20 others were wounded when the blast ripped through the tourist spot. Nationalities of the foreign victims have not been confirmed, but medical sources say at least six are French. A Marrakesh official said a suicide bomber could have caused the blast. No group has so far said it carried out the attack.

According to BBC, French President Nicolas Sarkozy branded the attack "heinous, cruel and cowardly", his office said. Mr. Sarkozy spoke by telephone to King Mohammed IV, who ordered a "speedy and transparent inquiry" when he chaired a council of ministers at the royal palace in Fes.

Moroccan Interior Minister Taib Cherkaoui would not confirm reports of a suicide bombing but added: "I can assure you that we continue to fight terrorism with all legal means. The criminals implicated in this act will be brought to justice."

Moroccan Communications Minister Khalid Naciri told AFP news agency "this was a terrorist act" and that the country would react "with diligence".

Police said checkpoints had been set up at the entrances to Morocco's main cities. French intelligence and counter-terrorism experts are to travel to the former French colony on Friday, officials in Paris said.

Moroccan Interior Minister Taib Cherkaoui would not confirm reports of a suicide bombing but added: "I can assure you that we continue to fight terrorism with all legal means. The criminals implicated in this act will be brought to justice."

Moroccan Communications Minister Khalid Naciri told AFP news agency "this was a terrorist act" and that the country would react "with diligence".

Police said checkpoints had been set up at the entrances to Morocco's main cities. French intelligence and counter-terrorism experts are to travel to the former French colony on Friday, officials in Paris said.

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